Thursday, January 31, 2008

!!!! FAILURES !!!!!

What are failures? Why people are so prejudice towards failures?

Many people look at failure with a prejudice in their mind. Human has the tentativeness to look at things negatively rather than positively; due to this fact failure has became a taboo word for many. Let us see how a negative person will see failure and how a positive person will see failure.

Let us see how a negative person will answer the questions regarding failure:

Q: What is failure?
A: Failure is a word of taboo.

Q: What do you think about having a friend who has failed?
A: If you are near any person who failed you will fail to.

Q: Have you failed before?
A: I have never failed. Failure? Me? Oh no.

Q: What do you think about people who have failed before?
A: They are lazy. / They are not clever enough. / They are very unlucky, very bad

Q: In conclusion is failure good or bad?
A: Of course it is bad. No doubt of it. Only failures say it is good. Why need to try something that you might fail?

Now let us see how a positive person will reply:

Q: What is failure?
A: Failure is an experience which makes a person wiser

Q: What do you think about having a friend who has failed?
A: Not only have they become wiser but we became wiser because we can learn
from their mistake.

Q: Have you failed before?
A: Everyone would have faced failure at one point their life, so did I.

Q: What do you think about people who have failed before?
A: They failed because they tried something. They are courageous people because
they are daring enough to try and face the failure.

Q: In conclusion is failure good or bad?
A: If you don’t learn from your failure and face the same type of failure due to same reasons then it is bad. If you learn from your failures and improvise yourself then it is a step toward success. The sweetness and value of success is greater when it is laced with failures.

The questions are the same and the topic is the same but did you see the difference in their perception. Basically everything is in the mind. So which category are you in? That is for you to decide. Last but not least, I would like to say that “You are what you think you are and you will be what you perceive you will be”, so channel and traffic your mind wisely.


Unknown said...

hmmm..Nice explanation on failures...Assume that if one boy love somebody more then his life , more then everything in this world ,.. but suddenly end with failure.. He not a bad person, or crazy, or weak, or flawed, because he feel suicidal. It doesnt even mean that he really want to die .It only means that he have more pain than he can cope with right now. If I start piling weights on your shoulders, you will eventually collapse if I add enough weights... no matter how much you want to remain standing. Willpower has nothing to do with it. Of course you would cheer yourself up, if you could.

My question is ....
its is a positive or negative action or answer?

Lingeswari V.Chandra said...

It is not a failure, he just learned what type of mistakes he should not make in a relationship and what type of girl he should not fall for. If the girl he loved left him it has to be because of some flawness in him or her. he needs to understand that first to make this failure a meaningful one. A person who is positive will say that "at least in came now and not later when i would have loved her even more than now". A negative person will say "she has destroyed my life". It is not others who destroy your life it is you who destroy it.